Open Gmail

Over the years the last 20 years  the popularity of the internet has exploded everywhere, now reaching almost every corner of the globe.  What has helped in large part are services that everyone can use to shorten distances and help people communicate with each other around the world and best of all they are free. One of such services is Gmail, which is a free email provider that includes many other services, like Youtube, Google Drive, Google Docs and much more. You can read more of what is included with your Free Account here.

The possibilities any user has on the internet are limitless. As many more people have been joining the internet in recent years, more services have appeared that help users do thing in less time and more efficiently. To Open Gmail Account you just have to Sign Up and you are ready to go. To learn the steps you can head on to this post.

There are many benefits of having a Gmail Account, you can read more on this post.

As you may already know there are other Free Email Service providers such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Fastmail and others but none of these competitors offer as much as Gmail does to its users. I have made comparisons of Gmail vs some of its competitors. You can read a comparison vs Hotmail here and comparison vs Fastmail here.

Now even Google provides another service that competes with it´s own Gmail. It is called Google Inbox, you can see a comparison of bothe services here.

There are so many options you have with Gmail that I have made some How To posts showing you step by step guides. Some of this guides include How to Change your Gmail Theme, Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts, How to Manage Multiple Email with One Gmail Account and other Guides.

About is a information resource site dedicated to providing information about the popular Gmail service. In our site we include information on how to improve your experience with Gmail and its other services like Google Drive, Calendar, Docs, etc. We also include information the improtance of having a strong password for security as hackers are increasingly trying to get to your account and get hold of your valuable information. Our aim is to be your one stop site on information regarding Gmail and all of Googles services so that you can make the best use of each product.

If you have any questions or comments on what Guides or Information we can include that is related to Gmail, please feel free to send us a message via our contact us page. We will be happy to include any information that we also consider it is worth adding to the site.

We hope you find our Articles and Guides useful.